
COVID Linked to Hearing Loss, Tinnitus

Throughout 2020 COVID-19 had us hiding out at home, washing our hands, wiping down surfaces and masking up. Quite a bit wasn’t known for some time. We knew about flu-like symptoms and disturbances in smell and taste, but not enough about the full spectrum of effects. A year later now, evidence is emerging about symptoms of […]

Types of Hearing Loss – What are the Differences?

There are two traditional types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. The classification of each relates to the specific physiological cause. Some cases of hearing loss can involve a combination of the two – what hearing healthcare providers call mixed hearing loss. Recently, a third category called “Hidden Hearing Loss” has been described in peer reviewed […]

Are Men or Women More Impacted by Hearing Loss?

Most people know that older adults are more likely to develop hearing loss as a result of Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL), but does a person’s gender also have an impact on their chances of having hearing problems? Men are more likely than women to develop hearing loss Decades of research data have shown that, regardless […]

Invisible Hearing Aids

If you’re dissatisfied with the size of your current hearing aid, or if concerns about large hearing aids have discouraged you from getting one at all, you may want to ask your hearing specialist about getting an invisible hearing aid. Are Invisible hearing aids truly invisible? The category Invisible In Canal (IIC) hearing aids includes a […]

Communicating with People Who Have Difficulty Hearing

People with hearing loss want to hear and be heard just like anyone else. There are some simple steps you can take when speaking with them to help facilitate effective communication and to help them feel included. Start by making sure they are “on line” When calling someone on the phone, is it customary to […]

How to Manage Your Tinnitus

Knowing where to turn for help can be difficult, especially when dealing with a condition like tinnitus that lacks a definitive cure and differs dramatically between those who experience the symptom. The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) is an excellent resource offering unbiased advice for individuals who are experiencing bothersome tinnitus. The ATA offers a Patient […]

Dementia and Hearing Loss

In the past decade several scientific studies have shown an association of hearing loss with onset of dementia.  With one in eight people over the age of 12 suffering from some level of hearing decline, the importance of this line of study is clear. How are these two seemingly separate conditions linked, though, and how does treatment […]

Hearing Aids and Brain Waves

Although it may sound like science-fiction, researchers have had success using brainwaves and artificial intelligence to essentially determine what voice a listener is focused on and amplify that sound. This is a huge development because, while undamaged human ears perform this activity naturally, people dealing with hearing loss have long had difficulty singling out specific […]

Tips for Selecting the Best Hearing Aid for You

Today’s hearing aids are more powerful than ever, and they’re also more customizable. Relying on microprocessor and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, today’s hearing aids are smaller, lighter and more discreet than ever before, plus they offer a wealth of adjustable and optional features that can ensure your hearing experience is tuned to your specific needs […]

Tips for Caregivers of People With Hearing Loss

Did you know that untreated hearing loss can lead to confusion, isolation, and depression in patients? The challenge for many caregivers is that their elderly patients and loved ones don’t know that they are experiencing common hearing loss symptoms. Unfortunately, in many instances, patients can become angry and accuse caregivers of speaking too softly or […]

Is Your Hearing Aid Working for You?

If you have difficulty hearing and have taken the wise step to acquire hearing aids, one important job is to maintain them and be alert for problems that you may be able to solve at home. The longer you use hearing aids, the easier it is to realize just how important they are and how […]

Get the Most from your Hearing Aids with Accessories

You may not associate accessories with hearing aids, but some of the available add-on features can personalize your hearing aids into a system that meets your specific needs. What accessories should you consider for your hearing aids and why. A Remote Microphone An effective hearing aid will pick up conversations within about 12 feet in quiet, […]

What Are the Main Types of Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is considered a significant public health issue and the third most prevalent physical health condition. In the U.S. alone, approximately 15 percent of adults over the age of 18 report some degree of hearing difficulty. It is estimated that 28.8 million adults in the United States would benefit from the use of hearing aids. There are […]

The Connection Between Diabetes and Hearing Loss

According to the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention: The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Diabetes Diabetics suffer from several additional medical issues that often accompany the disease (comorbidities), one of those being hearing loss. A recent study (Ren et al 2017) found “Compared with healthy controls, diabetic patients had higher mean hearing thresholds…” […]

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

The sense of hearing is an aspect of everyday life that may easily be taken for granted. The process of capturing sound as quiet as soft rain up to a loud thunderclap requires a complex mechanism that is a marvel of natural evolution that rivals what human engineers can design. Hearing does not stop at […]

Hearing Aids Trends in 2021

We all learned a few things in 2020.  An invisible virus disrupted the lives of most of the world’s population.  To stop the spread of the droplets in our breath, we were asked to wear masks that muffled speech and tossed our hearing aids to the ground when we removed them.  Those of us struggling […]

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